Advanced Endgame Camp

I really appreciate the camp being put on and have greatly enjoyed the first 2 sessions and have learnt a lot from them. My highlights so far have been the two move sequence explained by Jacob in Anton - Shirov (Ke5! rather than Kd4 and Ke8! rather than Ke7) as a powerful example of the principle of do not hurry and the accumulation of small advantages, as well as a reminder of the importance of having at least two options for automatic decisions. The explanation of the Rapport - Shankland game was also great - including reinforcement of the Shankland method (…b6 does not prevent White from playing what he wanted to play, c5) and new for me was the tendency for pawns facing each other to be more drawish and why in pawn up knight endings. Does that resonate with others please? For me, this means that I profoundly disagree with the daily quote from the diary I jotted down notes on the sessions in - “The more I see of men, the more I admire dogs” (quote from the French writer Madame de Sevigne)! I am really looking forward to today and tomorrow, thank you.

Jeremy Hart