Friendly Homework 184 recording

The recording of the latest Friendly Homework review (184) looks weird, as if it was compressed with a wrong ratio. Is it possible to fix it somehow?

Hi Andrey! I see what you mean, but I’ve actually done nothing different than usual. I’ll try to re-upload it, maybe it didn’t get uploaded correctly.

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Looks like that fixed it. Can you check now?

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Yes, it is much better now, thanks!


Hmmm still (or “again”?) looks quite distorted, the following video with Tiger as well.

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“Again”! It seems that Vimeo updated and after I trim the videos, they get distorted. I’ll re-re-upload them in a moment and not trim them anymore! :slight_smile:

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The latest video have the right aspect ratio now, but on these newer videos you seem to have missed to allow full screen, which is pretty essential to watch on most devices.Maybe it’s just a flag you can enable and forgot to copy over?

The HTML code for the iframe misses the allowfullscreen attribute, for example, but I am by no means an expert for vimeo. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback, I will pass it on to vimeo and hope they fix it. The allow full screen button is on. So there is an error with Vimeo.

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This seems to have been fixed now; the full screen button is back for me.


Thanks, it’s back on the course pages :heart_eyes_cat: (not on the latest recordings, though).

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“The HTML code… iframe… attribute… but I am by no means an expert…”
Wow… If You are no expert, then I’m a total rookie :smiley: