Friendly Homework 215 - Position Repeated

Friendly Homework 212
Position 8 (2nd sheet) is same as Friendly Homework 215 - Position 14 (Mixed Sheet)

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Shhh! At least one will I get right… And now… everything is ruined :frowning:


I got it correct on Homework 212; how will I feel if I get it wrong this time? :slight_smile:


That is the question, right?
And if you got it wrong, can you get it right this time?

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Just to be absolutely sure I checked the correct answer on chesstempo… Yyyyyyyyy I mean… I solved it entirely by myself!


Also - i assume Black can still castle Q-side in position 6.

Yes, black can castle long.

This time you should be happy , as Friendly Homework 217 , there are two positions repeated from Friendly Homework 212,
and also Friendly HW 217 (14th and 18th) position are same as Killer HW 217 (11th and 7th)

Sadly I’m playing the tournament, so I will not solve them (well I will, but after the tournament and without sending)

Renier and Jacob are going to replace the file. Check back later today for the new one :slight_smile:
I’ll post an update on the forum when it’s available.

The Friendly Homework Club 216 all the positions are correct and the file will not be replaced but the Friendly Homework Club 217 the file will be replaced if I understand correctly?

Aradhya Garg
