Friendly Homework 215 recording

The recording of Friendly Homework 215 seems to miss the first rank on the board :slight_smile: Is there a way to fix it somehow?

[UPDATE] The same issue with “Stonewall Structure” and “High-Level Practical Training”. I can’t catch up on any classes that took place yesterday :cry:


Thank you. I’ll re-upload the videos now. Vimeo got another update that’s messing with our videos…

This video is also a bit cut off:

GM Renier Castellanos
High Level Practical Training
29 Jan 2025

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Also done :slight_smile:

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when I tried watching the FH215, it says “Sorry, the video does not exist”

Thank you, will fix in a few moments on the hwk page. The one on the recent recording work fine, in case you want to watch now.

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