Issue viewing recordings

When I try to watch recordings of recent classes, it either says “Private video, Log in to watch if you have permission” or “Sorry, this video will be available for viewing shortly”. I tried logging in on Vimeo to view the videos but it says I don’t have access. Please let me know what I can do to be able to view these recordings.


I have same issue.


Same here, I think Vimeo has had some issues recently re uploading of videos etc… Maybe the Moderators @Kallia @Raluca_Moderator need to log into vimeo again in some way to allow viewing of private videos without logins

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Hi guys, it’s 5 in the morning here, almost 6 and @Raluca_Moderator could not solve the issue, only I have the admin permissions. So, she made sure I woke up to fix this!

We reached the limit of the account. We are having too many classes :rofl: So, I had to upgrade!
All fixed now, thank you for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience!


Thanks @Raluca_Moderator Kallia, the positive is you are now up early to enjoy those Thai beaches :rofl: