KillerchessTraining Open meeting


I would like to ask if there will be anyone who will play in Copenhagen and will come the day before (13.10)? Do you want to meet? I think my flight is like… 9:30 in Copenhagen :slight_smile:

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I want to meet you :slight_smile:

I’m planning to come to the club some time before. Is it open or…? My hotel is open from 15:00, but I hope I will be given entry before.

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Well, if you don’t get access before 15:00, come over to our house :slight_smile: And same goes for anyone else needing a place to hang out until check-in at your hotels opens!

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Can I take my Killer/Friendly Homework and hand it directly instead of sending? :slight_smile: (Btw in Friendly Homework Week 155- so the next one- the date says 24th October. I hope it’s just a small mistake and the homework is correct, just the date is mistaken :slight_smile: )

@stanislaw.praczukows Jacob just told me there’s no homework club that week because of the tournament, so the date is correct!
See you in Copenhagen!

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