Member benefits

Hello @JacobAagaard , @Kallia ,

Just following up on my question from class about an explanation of member benefits. In the past I’ve been limited to watching course recordings at odd times of the day, but I am now looking forward to being more active for things like camps and practice sessions.

Best wishes,



We are also looking to have a few more classes, at different times of the day, so all can enjoy more live classes. We now have the financial solidity to do this, which makes me happy.

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This is a great thing. I’m glad I can support the group with my membership.

Regarding the membership and training camps, how much do members typically save on them? I am also curious if you think it is still beneficial to get access to a whole camp if attending live is not an option. I have been following all of the camps for the parts that were open to members, but I’m not sure what it’s like after the first 1 out of 3 hours. If it is very user-feedback intensive I imagine watching the recording will be like ruminating over one’s missed opportunities in life in that case.

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Dear Robert,

There was a camp of 10 hours with Jesse Krai on Rook Endgames valued at $500.
At that point, Sam was doing his rook endgames course (13 hours in 13 weeks), which was fully included in the yearly membership. Our yearly membership is $800-900, depending on the exchange rate and the camps we are offering are usually $120-160. I think Killer Chess Training is the definition of “great value for your money”.

Regarding camps, this format we are using is essentially an introduction to the topic and then the trainer goes deeper in the next hours (the exclusive section).

And yes, many people buy the camp in order to watch the exclusive part in their own time, even if they never attended the live sessions.

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