Anyone wants to play a KCT blitz tournament on lichess? Just for fun. Maybe with zoom. Maybe with voices. Maybe whatever. Maybe tomorrow after Jacob’s class? Maybe whenever? Maybe?
Yes , its a very good idea , maybe?
Ok. So idea great, but not that many answered ;D. So maybe we can organise it next Sunday (also after Jacob’s class)? Maybe @Raluca can put it on calendar? Please? :). Still I don’t have any prizes except for satisfaction and better feeling of Yourself
Great idea!
Yes, I was going to suggest that. I was just waiting to see if it was going to happen today or not
Will add it. It has to be before Jacob’s class, though. He will start at 8 PM UK next Sunday.
GMs and IMs don’t have to pay starting fee!
I’ma try out my new openings on this tournament
You do know, that those games will be featured on TWICs and will be commented by Top GMs?
Played terribly. Did not had a chance to play Sam, Renier and many others. Many missed opportunities. Many missed tactics. So… Next week once more?
Sure! We will announce the Club Championship dates soon as well.