New Uploads

Same for me Andre

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Blank for both Killer and Friendly homework pdfs

Thank you for the clarification! I uploaded new files and changed the links, so please now try again and let me know how it goes!

All good Kallia, apart from the date in the friendly homework club file, I hope I get paid more this month for working those extra days :laughing:

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Hi guys, I said it in the newsletter, but I forgot to also mention it here.

Both Homework Club sheets and Jacob teaches Renier the Endgame homework were uploaded yesterday.

Killer and Friendly homework are uploaded, guys. Enjoy!

Is the exercise 11 on Killer really White to move? I only looked at it for one minute but it seems strange to me that it could be White to move

Yes, it is.
EDIT: @andrevsousa2013 thank you for asking!

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New homework for Jacob teaches Renier the endgame is uploaded.

Hi guys, Killer and Friendly homework were uploaded a few hours ago.

I just updated the Killer Openings page and uploaded the pgn file of the Neo-Arkhangelsk. Please download the pgn files, ehile they are available.

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John Hartmann’s file from the lecture is uploaded on the course page, John’s corner.

Niko’s ChessBase file and pdf from the lecture are uploaded on the camp page, English Middlegame Strategies.

Hi guys, all Homework is uploaded! Killer&Friendly for the 31st of August and for Renier’s endgame class for the 29th of August. Also, the pgn file on Rubinstein for Killer Openings.

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Hi Kallia, I think the Friendly homework link for Aug 31 needs fixing. Interesting link name though :grinning:

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Finally, someone noticed what I am doing with the links :heartpulse:
It’s homework 46! 46 is the number that unlocks the Destiny spaceship on the Sci-Fi TV show Stargate Universe. Human (episode) | SGCommand | Fandom

(Fixed the link)

Thanks Kallia, that is very useful to know, if I ever get transported by mistake through a portal and end up outside needing shelter :laughing:

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Happy to help! :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hi guys, Killer Homework and the Homework for Jacob teaches Renier the Endgame are up! Friendly homework to be uploaded.

Hi guys, Friendly homework is uploaded now!

Hi guys, the latest pgn for Killer Openings is uploaded on the course page.

New homework is uploaded in Killer and in Friendly.