Originally published at: https://killerchesstraining.com/2023/04/29/ryo-chen-has-been-awarded-the-im-title/
Hello everyone,
First things first; a small change of plans for today; due to the World Championship match, no class with Jacob. But please join us at 19:00 UK time (11:00 California) with GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko guiding you through game 14 of the World Championship match.
And some great news: long-time member Ryo Chen has been awarded the IM title. Congratulations!
Earlier this week Christopher Yoo accepted the 2023 Falconer Award (for the highest-rated NorCal player under the age of 18), presented a lecture on his US Championship win against Wesley So and played in and won the blitz tournament at the Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club in San Francisco.
Sabino is playing in the Italian league, and Renier and Raluca are playing in a rapid tournament. Jacob is finalising the Conceptual Rook Endgames book, and pretty much everyone is busy playing tournaments!
GM Karthik took second place in the playoffs in the 2023 Chessable Sunway Formentera International Chess Festival!
The Club Championship is BRUTAL. Jacob has played in the first three heats and made +2 overall. In Heat 3 he lost to Renier with Black, Mickey with White, and drew Christopher Yoo (as the only one). Christopher won with 5.5/6. Renier was second, and Adams was third with 4/6. Brutal!
Julen has promised to play Heat 4 tomorrow.
See more here: https://lichess.org/team/killer-chess-training-internal-tournaments/tournaments
If you have not yet joined the internal tournaments team, please please remember to give your name and membership email when you apply.
Are you playing over the board? The reason we are asking is that we are planning the return of Analyse Your Tournament.
Jacob had given this class previously and desperately wanted to have the time to give it again. But time has not been granted by the powers that be. However, Julen proposed to us that he wanted to do a class that sounded 90% as Analyse Your Tournament and we quickly agreed that he would resurrect the class as a modern-day Dr Frankenstein. And a monster class it will be!
If you want to see your game reassembled, go to the dedicated Forum sub and start communicating with Julen there!
In case you are looking for tournaments, Andrè shared about a strong open in Portugal this summer, from 25 August to 2 September.
And of course, the Killer Chess Training Open in October in Copenhagen! More details to follow tomorrow!
Stay happy and play chess – with your friends at Killer Chess Training,
Sam, Kallia, and Jacob