Suggestion for homeworks

I have a couple of suggestions / requests for the Homework results.

I would find it useful / interesting to know the scores by problem. IE how many submissions got each problem right.

And … is there a way to recommend resources for working on the areas covered by particular problems? That would I think also help.

  1. Scores of each problem
    I feel, that when the exercise was hard then Renier says something like: “ok… This one… A lot of people got it wrong actually”. I guess that’s enough?
  2. Additional sources
    When it comes to calculation part- Jacob suggested a wonderful book “Imagination in chess” by Gaprindashvili. There are a lot of problems, which are solvable by many ways, but I’m fine with it. When it comes to strategy/ positional play, he mentioned Hellsten’s book “something something strategy” (I don’t recall right now :D)

“Mastering chess strategy”! That’s the name :slight_smile:

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