Welcome to the new forum! Reply to this post, to be promoted to the yearly/monthly members group!

Hi everyone from Prague,

I just bought the monthly membership (I will do my best to make it to the yearly one after 6 months) :slight_smile: My FIDE is 1671, so I guess there is gonna be a lot of tough work, but I am looking forwards for it to achieve my goal to become a better player.

Glad to be here and I am going to explore what to start with, please add me, where I belong :slight_smile:


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Welcome to the academy and the forum @antonin.sander!
Very nice to have you. And I hope you will like it here as much as we do and you will stay :slight_smile:
It’s Sunday, and it’s deadline day for the homework club, so start from there? Just friendly, for now!

Hi @Kallia ,
Could I please get promoted to the yearly members’ group?
Thank you :slight_smile:

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Hi @mustafa.cilo! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

Hi, I managed to finish the first friendly homework (175)…and uuuhg, that was tough :slight_smile: But that´s what we are here for, hard work, right :slight_smile: I am looking for the feedback, for the lesson and for next time.

Have a nice Sunday, Kallia



Thank you @antonin.sander! It was a great Sunday indeed! Thank you!

Hi from Canada.

I just signed up for the monthly membership and I’ll move to the yearly if I still like it after a month.


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Hi, I joined just now.


Hi @Yascha.F and welcome to the academy and the Forum!

Hello @mrinmoy.rajkhowa! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

New yearly member. Thanks!

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Dear @sean.nagle welcome back to the academy and the forum!

Hi Kallia! Can you promote me please?

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Hi Sandra! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

Hi Kallia.

I joined today! Please can you move me to the yearly members group.

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Hi @caleb.levitan! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

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Hi Kallia,

I’ve just joined the academy. Could you add me to the yearly members group please?

Hi Kallia! I just got the yearly membership and followed your link here, please add me to the yearly members group. Thank you!


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Hi there,

I enjoyed my first month and I just joined with a yearly membership. Please add me to the yearly members group when you get the chance.


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Hello world! I have just joined KCT with an annual membership, nice to meet you all!

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