Welcome to the new forum! Reply to this post, to be promoted to the yearly/monthly members group!

Hi @marti.mayo_casademon and welcome to the academy and the forum!

I can’t see the posts yet.

I misunderstood and thought this was if we couldn’t see things, not that we must post. Please promote me to the monthly member group. Sorry :slight_smile:

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Hi @dylan.h! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

Hi! I’m new here! :slight_smile: My chesstempo account is RAU4ever and could you promote me into the yearly group? Really looking forward to this!

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Hi, yearly group please!

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Hi! I am New Here, Add me to the yearly group My chesstempo username is Bashiq

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Hi, Bashiq! Welcome to the academy! Kallia will add you on the forum, I will take care of chesstempo. Please add kct academy as a coach first, following the steps in this video:

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Hi @markus.hansson! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

Hi there @bashiq_imrose.mohmad! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

Thanks ma’am.

I have added kct academy as my coach.

My username is bashiq

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Thank you, I’ve just upgraded you to gold and accepted your request. Under the Your Academy section of the website you will find more videos that show how to access the files and get around chesstempo.

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Got the Gold membership ma’am. but in your books section it says You don’t have any books yet.

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Yes, sorry, I forgot to mention this. I do the book updates for new members once a week, on Sundays. You will see all the files we have then.

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I don’t see anything different yet on the forum when I access it (still has the 4 categories ‘news’ ‘feedback and support’ ‘free samples’ and ‘meet up for tournaments’. Is it supposed to be like that?

Hi @roel.donker! It seems your message slipped my attention! Thank you for the reminder! You now should be able to see the rest of the categories! And welcome to the academy and the forum!

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Ah, no worries, you must all be so busy! Could you also look into my chesstempo account? Username is RAU4ever. Thanks :slight_smile:

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I’ve just upgraded you to gold and accepted your request on chesstempo.


Hi there,
I don’t seem to be able to see the whole forum. :slight_smile:

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now you will :slight_smile: Since there were two orders, only one under your name, I didn’t grant you access before! Welcome to the forum, @lukas.kopl!