Welcome to the new forum! Reply to this post, to be promoted to the yearly/monthly members group!

Hi, I’m new here, I added kct academy as my coach, please add me to the yearly group. My chesstempo username is goadvocado. Thanks!


Welcome to the academy! I’ve just upgraded your chesstempo account to gold and accepted your request. @Kallia will add you on the forum.

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Hello @goadvocado! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

Hi, I just became a yearly member.

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Hi @joop.gijsbers! Welcoem to the academy and the forum!

Hi. I thought I replied already, but ok.

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You did :slight_smile:

Hi. I’d like to be promoted to see the rest of the categories. I just joined the monthly subscription. Thank you

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Welcome to the academy and the forum @Yolo419!

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Hi, would like to see the other categories. Thanks.

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Hi Daniel! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

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Please add me to the yearly members’ group.

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Hi @david.potesta! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

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Hi, I have just started a yearly membership!
My ChessTempo username is HorseyChess.
Thank you :slight_smile:

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Hi @Zoe.Varney! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

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Hi Zoe! I’ve just upgraded you to gold and accepted your request on Chesstempo.


Hii! I am a new monthly member here :smiley:

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Hi @salwa_nadia! welcome to the academy and the forum!

Hi I’m new :slight_smile: my chesstempo account is BasDB


Hi, welcome to the academy! I’ve just upgraded you to gold and accepted your request on chesstempo. Kallia will promote you on the forum.

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