Welcome to the new forum! Reply to this post, to be promoted to the yearly/monthly members group!

Hi Raluca

I have upgraded to an Annual membership.

I think I have a pending chesstempo coaching request: my name there is ajmcg

Do let me know if I need to resend that request.

Thanks for your help


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@andrew.mcgettigan I have upgraded you to the yearly members here as well!
Don’t forget to cancel your monthly membership!
Welcome again!

Hi Andrew, I’ve just upgraded you to gold and accepted your request.

Thank you.



@Kallia @Raluca please add me to the member forums. Thanks!

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Hi Mitch! @Kallia will add you, but she is travelling this week.

New yearly member. Can I please be added tot the yearly members group.

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Also a new yearly member, requesting to be added to the yearly members group.
Thank you!

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Hi! Could you promote me?


Hi! @Kallia will promote you on the forum in a couple of days, when she’s back. She has taken a few days off. I can help you set up your chesstempo account by then, if you want.

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Hi Kallia,

I’m a new monthly member - please promote me to the right members group. Thanks much!


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Hi @todd.rumph! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

Hey hey! New member here!

I believe I need some promotion? :slight_smile:

Also, I need acces to chesstempo gold membership! user: gafiiis!

Thanks! Happy to be here

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Hi Toni, welcome to the academy! I’ve just upgraded you to gold and accepted your request on chesstempo. @Kallia will upgrade you on the forum.

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Welcome to the academy @toni.gallego_bergada!


I’m a new member!
I’m schrutefarms on chesstempo

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hi @g.v_sai.krishna! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

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I’m a new monthly member. Add me please to the right group.
Thanks in advance.


Hi Markus! Welcome to the forum and the Academy!

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Can anyone promote me to the annual members group?