Welcome to the new forum! Reply to this post, to be promoted to the yearly/monthly members group!

Welcome @bas.de_boer to the academy and the forum!

Hi, I have a new yearly membership - chesstempo username Grieve72

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Hi Harry, welcome to the academy! I’ve just accepted your request on chesstempo. Kallia will promote you on the forum.

Hi @Harry.Grieve! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

Hi, I upgraded to the yearly membership. Username is Yolo419. Thank you.

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@Yolo419 nice to have you for one more year! Don’t forget to cancel the monthly membership from your profile!

Hi Could I be added to the monthly member’s group?
best wishes

ps I believe I already have a chess tempo account - usesr name is ajmcg

Hi Andrew, welcome to the academy! The chesstempo material is available only for the yearly members. If you decide to upgrade your membership at any point, I will be happy to add you! @Kallia will add you to the monthly members’ group on the forum.

Hi @andrew.mcgettigan! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

Thank you!

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Hi @awonder! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

I just started the yearly membership. My Chesstempo username is ducksparadise.

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Hi Oliver, please add us as a coach on chesstempo first. You can find all the instructions regarding chesstempo in the Your Academy section of the website.

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Hi. Just joined. Please add me.

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I neglected to mention that my chesstempo user name is johnsonand. Looking forward to learning here. Please add me on chesstempo. I put ‘kct academy’ in as my trainer.

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Hi Andrew, welcome to the academy! I’ve just upgraded your account on chesstempo and accepted your request. @Kallia will add you on the forum.


Hi @oliver.wartiovaara! Welcome to the academy and the forum!

hi @andrew.johnson! Welcome to the academy and the forum!